All residents are being asked to conserve water to avoid restrictions. Minimise sprinkler use & irrigation. Click for more tips on our water conservation page.

Awarded Council Contracts

Kā Whakawhiwhika Kānataraka Kaunihera

As part of our commitment to be as transparent and proactive as possible in relation to sharing information of interest to those in Queenstown Lakes, we regularly upload awarded contracts and supplier spend reports.

Information that isn't published

In consideration of commercial sensitivity and privacy, we do not publish the details of sole traders (i.e. individuals who are not contracting through a company).

Detailed information about spend and contracts may be commercially confidential. Should you require this information please submit a request for information under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act and that request will be considered in full. 

For more information about commercial sensitivity and privacy, please visit:

Accuracy of information reports

The information we provide in the reports is accurate at the time of publication.

The information is subject to change if projects, priorities and time frames are varied for awarded contracts, or if financial reconciliations or adjustments are made in respect of prior payments.

The reporting threshold for both the awarded contract and supplier spend reports is $50k.

These reports are produced on a quarterly basis, and this page will be updated as soon as practicable once the reports are produced. Absence of a report does not mean it does not exist and a request for the information can be made via the "submit a request" link above. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Awarded contract reports consist of information about contracts valued at $50,000 and greater, which are awarded by the council during the period stated. Currently only contracts awarded through the Government Electronic Tender System (GETS) are published whilst QLDC develops and implements an organisation-wide procurement and contract management system to report on contracts awarded through other methods (for example, closed tender, all-of-government panels, etc). 

  • An awarded contracts report lists:

    • the GETS identification number
    • the QLDC contract reference number
    • a description of the goods and/or services being supplied
    • the date awarded
    • the GETS price bracket
    • the name of the successful supplier
  • A supplier spend report lists the total spend per supplier across all contracts and purchase orders for the period stated, where the total is greater than $50,000 (excl. GST).

    This report includes (but is not limited to) payments to:

    • Contractors providing essential infrastructure services such as three waters and roading maintenance, and parks and reserves maintenance
    • Contractors providing regulatory services such as animal, noise and parking control
    • Professional services such as financial auditors and legal services
    • Consultants supporting programme development such as masterplanning, parks and reserves design
    • Suppliers of essentials such as office supplies and furniture
    • Print advertising for items such as public notifications and recruitment
    • Levies to organisations such LGNZ and the Remuneration Authority
    • Grants and funding recipients such as Community Associations and community development groups