Ratepayers: invoices for instalment one are expected to be sent out in late September, which is a little later than usual. Further information can be found on our Rates webpage.

Long Term Plan (LTP)

Tētahi mahere roa

Every three years the Council must adopt a Ten Year Plan and in the years between Council adopts Annual Plans. This is the blueprint for investment in the district's infrastructure and services over the next ten years.

The plan affects every single person in our district and is prepared in consultation with our residents and ratepayers, outlining a proposed work plan and how we propose to fund it. Consultation is undertaken in line with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 and wider engagement on key topics aim to ensure everyone gets to know what's being considered, what the options are, and how they can have their say. 

2024-2034 Long Term Plan

Consultation on a draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034 took place between 28 June - 28 July. 

Submission hearings were held on 26-27 August, followed by deliberations on 28 August.  

A revised final draft of the Long Term Plan will be presented to Councillors for their approval on 19 September. 

Previous LTPs