Access to Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka is CLOSED due to extreme wildfire risk from midday-6.00am starting Sat 15 Feb until Tue 18 Feb (6.00am). Please do not enter. For more info click

Level 1 water restrictions are in effect for residents around Lake Hayes. Keep handheld hosing to a minimum, and only use sprinklers between midnight and 6.00am. Find out more information on restrictions.

Proposed District Plan

He mahere whakamarohi ā-rohe

The District Plan review began in 2015. The Proposed District Plan (PDP) sets out to provide a more accessible and transparent plan that provides more certainty to property owners and a clear strategic direction for the district as well as additional scope for intensification in suitable locations.

Operative parts of the Plan

Private Plan Change Application - The Hills Resort Zone

Queenstown Lakes District Council formally received an application on November 14 2024, requesting a private plan change to the Proposed District Plan’s The Hills Resort Zone (Chapter 47)

Current Status of Application: Queenstown Lakes District Council Preparing Request for Further Information.

Read more on the Private Plan Change Application 

Our new ePlans have launched

We’ve just launched brand new electronic formats of our District Plan, which we’re calling ePlans.

Find out more about the new ePlans and access them using the buttons below.