Access to Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka is CLOSED due to extreme wildfire risk from midday-6.00am starting Sat 15 Feb until Tue 18 Feb (6.00am). Please do not enter. For more info click

Level 1 water restrictions are in effect for residents around Lake Hayes. Keep handheld hosing to a minimum, and only use sprinklers between midnight and 6.00am. Find out more information on restrictions.

National Policy Statement - Urban Development (NPS-UD)

Te Tauākī Kaupapa Here ā-mōtu – Whakawhanake Tāone

QLDC is a Tier 2 authority under the NPS UD 2020. QLDC and ORC are now jointly required to produce housing and business development capacity assessments and quarterly monitoring reports in order to enable well informed planning decisions and ensure sufficient development capacity to meet anticipated demand is provided in the district plan and future development strategies.

What the Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessment (HBA) covers

Local authorities are required to prepare a HBA every three years, to ensure planning decisions are well informed by up to date information about the demand and supply of housing and business land and our local development market. It is also to be used to inform RMA planning documents, future development strategies and long-terms plans addressing short term, medium term and long term land requirements.

Specifically, the HBA must:

  • analyse the affordability and competitiveness of the housing market and the impact of planning decisions and infrastructure on this market

  • estimate demand for housing and business land, by type and location, in the short, medium and long term

  • quantify development capacity for housing and its feasibility and what is reasonably expected to be realised in the short, medium and long term

  • provide the basis for ‘bottom lines’ for sufficient housing development capacity

  • quantify development capacity for business land and its suitability in the short, medium and long term

  • quantify any insufficiencies in development capacity for housing or business land, and whether the shortfalls are due to planning or infrastructure constraints

What the monitoring report covers

QLDC and the ORC are also required to monitor data on a set of key market indicators quarterly, and results published at least annually. These results are then to be used to inform planning decisions, future development strategies, and to ensure at least enough development capacity is enabled at all times. These reports were originally published quarterly but as of 2024 will be published annually.

Specifically, we must monitor:

  • demand, supply, price and rents for dwellings

  • housing affordability

  • the proportion of housing development capacity that has been realised in brownfield and greenfield areas

  • available data on business land

These indicators are available from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD).

Housing Capacity: three-yearly reports

Monitoring reports

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TEL: 03 441 0499