Duty Planner

Kaimahere e wātea ana

Our QLDC Duty Planner is here to help. They are available to provide 10 minutes free assistance for the following types of queries:

  • Confirmation of the zoning of a property
  • Providing interpretation assistance of District Plan provisions (rules, objectives and policies)
  • Providing an outline of the resource consent process
  • Providing assistance in relation to a s37 notice on a building consent

Should you have inquiries that fall outside the scope of the Duty Planner service or require more than the allocated 10 minutes for a thorough response, we suggest engaging an independent planning consultant who should be able to provide more detailed and tailored assistance for your specific situation.

The Duty Planner cannot provide legal advice, advice on the likelihood of obtaining resource consent, or detailed information on what consents are required, but we can direct you towards the relevant parts of the District Plan that may apply. 

If you have a query about any of the above for the Duty Planner please complete the below form and we’ll come back to you as soon as possible.  

If you would like to chat with a Duty Planner in person, you may do so as follows:


Wednesday’s, 10am - 2pm


Email for an in-person appointment: 

Duty Planner Enquiry Information

Duty Planner Enquiry Information Form

(First and last name)
(If applicable)
(e.g - 100 Shotover Street, Queenstown)

The information provided by the Duty Planner is for the purpose of providing general information and is provided for the convenience of the public only. The QLDC accepts no liability for use or misuse of that information.

The information provided by the Duty Planner is based upon the details provided at the time only. Users are advised to undertake their own detailed due diligence and seek independent professional advice before applying any information for their own particular circumstances. The QLDC shall not be held liable for any claim for any loss or damage as a result of reliance on the limited information provided by the Duty Planner.