All residents are being asked to conserve water to avoid restrictions. Minimise sprinkler use & irrigation. Click for more tips on our water conservation page.

Renew and/or vary your alcohol licence

Whakahou, panonihia rānei tō raihana waipiro

If you are an alcohol licence holder, you must apply to renew your licence at least 20 working days before it expires.

When to renew your alcohol licence

You must renew it:

  • 1 year after it's first issued.

  • every 3 years after that before the expiry date.

As your renewal date approaches, we'll send you a reminder email with all the relevant information and forms. We'll also try to contact you before the expiry date, if we haven't received a renewal application. Remember though - it is your responsibility to ensure your licence renewal application is lodged on time. 

If you apply before your licence expires, you can keep selling alcohol while we process your application.

If your licence expires before your application, you must stop selling alcohol immediately and remove all alcohol from display.  A new licence must be applied for and granted.  Once your new licence is issued, you'll be able to display and sell alcohol again.  

If you want to change the conditions of your alcohol licence (for example, changing the hours you're licensed for), you need to make a variation to your licence. If you renew your licence at the same time, you’ll only pay one set of fees

The renewal process

All licence renewal applications must be publicly notified and displayed in a clearly visible place on or near the premises site.  

  • You must submit the completed renewal application.

  • Sign a statement that an approved fire evacuation scheme exists for the premises or that the premises are exempt from having to have an approved scheme.

  • The alcohol licensing inspector assigned to the application will publish public notice of the application online (here) and advise you once this has been done.

  • Display a copy of the public notice in a clearly visible place on or near the site the application refers to.

  • The application will be referred to the local Police and Medical Officer of Health.

  • Anyone may object to your application within 25 working days of the publication of the first public notice. If any objections are received, these will be forwarded to you.

  • Any objections or matters raised in opposition by the public, Police or Medical Officer of Health, may lead to the renewal application being referred for a public hearing in front of the DLC.

Applying for a variation to the conditions of your alcohol licence

You need to apply for a variation if you want to change the conditions of your on-licence, off-licence or club licence.

When to apply

You need to apply for a variation if you want to change:

  • Your licensed hours

  • Your licensed area

  • The type of premises covered by the licence (e.g. From a tavern to a restaurant)

  • The designation of areas within your premises (e.g. Supervised/Restricted areas)

Note: If applying for a variation isn’t urgent, you may want to wait until you next renew your licence. Doing them together means you’ll only pay one set of fees.