Library notice: Bullock Creek Lane closed for asphalting on Saturday 25 January and Saturday 1 February. Wānaka Library open to pedestrians. Limited parking available at the Lake Wānaka Centre.

Stream 20 – Late submissions #31074 and #31075

This hearing will cover:

  • Temporary filming activities in the Rural Visitor Zone at Acadia Station (Submission #31074 – Anderson Lloyd (Lloyd James Veint)
  • Noise standards and informal airports in the Rural Visitor Zone at Arthurs Point (Submission #31075 – Chris Streat (Arthurs Point Protection Society Inc).

General Hearing Information

Minutes and Memoranda

Council's legal submissions and summaries

Council's Expert Evidence

Section 42A reports

Submitter pre-lodged evidence and legal submissions

  • These pdfs are sorted by original submitter number and contain the following information:

    Submitter Number/s - Submitter Name - Hearing Number - Submitter/Expert/Counsel Name -  Submissions/Evidence/Legal Submission

    NB: where a "C" appears after Evidence/Legal Submission (eg Evidence C) this would indicate it is a copy and this evidence is lodged against multiple submitters.


Rebuttal Evidence

Below is evidence in response to pre-lodged evidence from submitters.

Evidence presented at hearing

Hearing minutes

Hearing recordings

Depending on your sound quality of your device, these recordings may be best heard through headphones.

Council's right of reply