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Resource Consents
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- Change, extend or surrender a resource consent
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- All alcohol licensing forms
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Basketball begins on 8 April at QEC
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Do I need a resource consent?
Me tono au i te whakaaetaka rawa taiao?
Find out if the activity you're proposing requires a resource consent here.
Quick links
What is a resource consent?
A resource consent is a written decision from Queenstown Lakes District Council about something that may affect the environment or your community.
The District Plan outlines what's allowed and what requires a resource consent for each zone of Queenstown Lakes District. It sets rules for things like parking, access, or how high or close to the neighbour's boundary a building can be, depending on where it is.
Depending on your project, you may need to obtain a building consent as well as a resource consent. Visit our Building consent page to find out if your project will require a building consent.
Applications must be lodged separately and are considered under different legislation.
You’ll need resource consent if you’re planning on
Subdividing your property
Your project doesn’t comply with the District Plan rules for your zone.
Under the District Plan, all land in Queenstown Lakes District has a designated zone.
Different zoning rules apply depending on where n the district a property lies. These rules require us to consider potential effects development or activity might have on the environment, heritage features, culture, and conservation.
Each zone has rules relating to:
what you can build
how high you're allowed to build
how much outdoor space is needed
how many dwellings can be built per site
how you can use the land
what sort of activities you can use buildings or land for
You can find out what zone your property lies within, and the rules that apply by entering your address in the ePlan
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Boundary Activities
Boundary activities involve breaking the rules about how close buildings can be to property boundaries or how tall they can be near a boundary.
If your property borders a public space like a road or park, these rules don’t apply. You can only apply for a boundary activity if your project doesn’t need any other special permissions from the District Plan or National Environmental Standards.
If your neighbours (whose property is affected by the boundary breach) give their written approval, the Council will approve your project without further checks. To apply, you need to fill out the Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity application and have a signed Affected Persons Approval form from adjoining landowners.
Temporary or Marginal Activities
You can’t directly apply for approval for Temporary or Marginal Activities. However, the Council can decide if your project qualifies as one of these based on specific requirements, which is where a PIM check can help.
The Council might approve your project under this category if it mostly follows the rules but has a minor or temporary breach. The impact on the neighbours must be minimal. If the Council agrees, they will notify you and issue the necessary approval.
Common activities that may require a resource consent are
If your project involves removing, relocating, or depositing earth then you may need resource consent. This is to make sure that that earthworks do not:
cause instability on your own or neighbouring properties or surrounding publicly-owned land.
create sediment that could pollute waterways.
create problems that might impact neighbours.
Check the rules around earthworks for your property in the ePlan. If your project doesn't meet the rules for your zone, you'll need resource consent.
To find out if your project needs resource consent contact the Duty Planner or engage with an independent planning professional.
If you're planning to operate Residential Visitor Accommodation or a Homestay in the Queenstown Lakes District then you must register your property.
You may also require resource consent if you operate short-term visitor accommodation outside of the rules for your property’s zone.
Please refer to our short-term visitor accommodation website or short-term visitor accommodation fact sheet for more information and to ensure that you are compliant with the rules of our district.
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District Plan rules in the Queenstown Lakes District allow for residential flats that can be rented by others, or for extended family to live in.
A residential flat is an additional unit with a kitchen, smaller than the main house. There are more specific rules which may apply depending on where your property is located.
Known as ‘granny flats’ by some, residential flats help to increase the supply of affordable housing options, and have recently been the focus of a proposal by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) to make it easier to build small, self-contained and detached houses on property with an existing home on it.
Enter your address in the ePlan to see what rules apply to your property.
We recommend discussing your proposal/design with our Duty Planner or an independent planning professional to ensure all requirements are met.
It is also recommended to check your LIM for private covenants that may restrict the use of a Residential Flat (i.e. special landscaping zone etc.)
An important consideration in the establishment of a residential flat (with or without a resource consent) is the associated Development Contribution requirement and your obligations for Council Rates.
A residential flat will incur a Development Contribution. For more information and to request an estimate on development contributions, visit the QLDC development contribution webpage
Your Council rates will also likely increase if you have a residential flat.
For more information, contact QLDC’s Rates team by emailing rates@qldc.govt.nz
Using solid fuel to heat buildings is the greatest cause of air pollution in Otago and the effects of emissions are more concentrated in some areas than others. Because of this, the installation of new fireplaces within the Queenstown Lakes District may require resource consent under the District Plan.
Enter your address in the ePlan to see what rules apply to your property.
Please refer to our fact sheet on solid fuel fireplaces for more information or contact the Duty Planner for guidance.
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Solar panels are an increasingly popular way to generate renewable onsite electricity. If you’re thinking of installing solar, there are rules contained within the District Plan that must be followed. There are also some areas within our district where resource consent is required to install solar panels.
Enter your address in the ePlan to see what rules apply to your property or view the Energy and Utilities chapter to see how rules apply to different zones.
Please refer to our solar panel fact sheet for more information or contact the Duty Planner for guidance.
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Central Government changed the Resource Management Act in 2017 to provide a faster, more straightforward approval process for small scale activities where only a boundary rule is breached. These are called “deemed permitted boundary activities”.
For detailed information take a look at: Information sheet 5 – Information for applicants: Deemed permitted boundary activities - on the Ministry for the Environment’s resource management process information page. (scroll down to see the information sheets).
To be a deemed permitted boundary activity, all neighbours with an infringed boundary must provide their written approval to the proposal.
To apply for a permitted boundary activity:
Download and complete the Deemed permitted boundary activity application (Form 9A)
Pay the appropriate fee as per the fee schedule. For more information on how to make payments, see our Apply now page.
Upload the documentation to the online community portal.
Depending on the zone, you may need to apply for resource consent for a tiny house. Some zones allow for one residential flat (secondary dwelling) for gentle intensification as long as you comply with site/ zone standards (i.e. setbacks, heights etc.). However, in some other areas resource consent will be needed and therefore it is important to check the rules of the District Plan and which zone you are located in before you proceed.
You can check which zone your property lies within and the rules that apply, by entering your address into our ePlan.
Please note that your properties LIM may show additional restrictions (i.e. special landscaping zone etc.) that may prevent you from adding a secondary dwelling to your property even if the District Plan allows.
If your tiny house remains at the same address for a period of longer than 2 months, it will be considered as a permanent structure and so must comply with the Building Act 2004. We recommend getting in touch with our building services team to discuss your project and clarify requirements, and what plans and paperwork should be included in your building consent application. 03 450 0369 building@qldc.govt.nz
Please refer to our handy tiny homes fact sheet for more information.
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If the activity you wish to undertake is not covered under the Resource Mangement Act 1991(RMA) you may not require a resource consent, however you may still be required to obtain a building consent or a permit from Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC). A list of activities you'll need to obtain a permit for can be found here. If your activity is related to construction, you should check our building services page to familiarise yourself with your obligations under The Building Act 2004
Contact us
If you have any questions relating to resource consents, please contact the Duty Planner.
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