Access to Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka is CLOSED due to extreme wildfire risk from midday-6.00am starting Sat 15 Feb until Tue 18 Feb (6.00am). Please do not enter. For more info click

Level 1 water restrictions are in effect for residents around Lake Hayes. Keep handheld hosing to a minimum, and only use sprinklers between midnight and 6.00am. Find out more information on restrictions.

Changing an application or extending a consent

Kia panoni i tētahi tono, kia whakaroa i te whakaaetaka

Find out how to change or cancel a condition of a resource consent application or apply for an extension of your resource consent.

  • You can apply to change or cancel any conditions of your consent under section 127 of the Resource Management Act). This may include changes to the approved plans, landscaping or extent of earthworks provided they are within the scope of the consent.

    If you want to make changes to a proposal that is still being processed and hasn’t yet been consented, contact the planner processing your application.

    If your resource consent has already been granted, you'll need to submit a new application and pay the appropriate fee. 

  • 1. Complete the following: 

    2. Submit application and pay the fee 

    • Upload the application form and supporting documentation to the community portal

    • Once you have logged in to the Community Portal, open the Application forms section and complete the “Upload Application Files” form. Please complete one form per application. In the portal you will also be able to see your previous forms and track their status, using the Forms App.  

    If you have questions, please contact the Duty Planner.  

    Please upload documents in PDF format using our preferred document names: 

    Once you have been issued your application number, you can pay the initial fee for variation to resource consent conditions (section 127 RMA). The current fee can be found on current fees and charges document 

    Credit Card or Account to Account direct payments can be made via the Application Payments link within the Community Portal. 

    Alternatively, payments can be made via bank transfer. 

    BNZ account details: 

    Account number:  02 - 0948 - 0002000 - 000 

    Enter these details when setting up bank payments: 

    Particulars: Name of payer 

    Code: Property address 

    Reference: Resource Consent (RM) number, e.g. RM180001 

    If you are paying from overseas, please use BKNZNZ22 as your swift code. 

    3. We assess your application 

    If your application is approved, we will issue you with an updated consent. All other details, including the date the consent will lapse, stay the same. 

    If we consider the activity or effects of the change or cancellation to be materially different, you may need to submit a new resource consent application. If you think this may be the case, we recommend booking a pre-application meeting. 

  • If you don't think you'll complete the work before your consent lapses, you'll need to apply for an extension of time. You will need to show you have made efforts to fulfill the purpose and conditions of the consent and ensure that you make an application prior to the consent lapsing. 

    In most cases, you have five years from the day the resource consent is granted, however, you need to check your consent for any specific time frames. 

    If your consent lapses before you apply for an extension, you will need to apply for a new resource consent. 

    How to apply for an extension of time

    1. Complete the following: 

    • download and complete the application form  

    • a statement specifying how much extra time you are seeking 

    • a timeline showing all progress that has been made since the original consent was granted 

    • written approval of anyone considered affected by the granting of a time extension 

    • assessment of effects of the time extension on the policies and objectives of the Operative District Plan or Proposed District Plan. 

    2. Submit application and pay the fee 

    • Once you have logged in to the Community Portal, open the Application forms section and complete the “Upload Application Files” form. Please complete one form per application. In the portal you will also be able to see your previous forms and track their status, using the Forms App.  

    If you have questions, please contact the Duty Planner.  

    Please upload documents in PDF format using our preferred document names: 

    Once you have been issued your application number, you can pay the initial fee for variation to resource consent conditions (section 127 RMA). The current fee can be found on current fees and charges document 

    Credit Card or Account to Account direct payments can be made via the Application Payments link within the Community Portal. 

    Alternatively, payments can be made via bank transfer. 

    BNZ account details: 

    Account number:  02 - 0948 - 0002000 - 000 

    Enter these details when setting up bank payments: 

    Particulars: Name of payer 

    Code: Property address 

    Reference: Resource Consent (RM) number, e.g. RM180001 

    If you are paying from overseas, please use BKNZNZ22 as your swift code. 

    3. We assess your application 

    A planner will consider your application and make a decision based on: 

    • the amount of progress or effort you have made towards implementing your resource consent 

    • whether anyone is likely to be affected by the extension of time 

    • whether there have been any changes to the District Plan since your consent was granted. 

    If your application does not provide enough information, we may ask you to provide more detail. The means the process will take longer and may cost more. 

    If your extension is granted 

    We will send you our decision, including the new lapse date (expiry date) of the resource consent. Unless you have applied to change the conditions of your consent, all the requirements of your original consent will be the same. 

    If your extension is declined 

    You will need to apply for a new resource consent. 


Contact us

Our Duty Planner will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding surrendering a resource consent.