
Puka Whakaaetaka

We're responsible for many different permits within the district, covering fires, signs, amusement devices, gaming, hazardous substances, and keys for our parks and open spaces.

  • The Activities in Public Places Bylaw 2023 applies to the Queenstown Lakes District. The purpose of this bylaw is to:

    • protect the public from nuisance

    • protect, promote, and maintain public health and safety

    • minimise the potential for offensive behaviour in public places

    • manage and protect Council-owned or controlled land, structures and other property and assets from misuse, damage or loss

    • regulate trading in public places

    Under the Activities in Public Places Bylaw 2023, the following activities require registration with Council:

    • Busking

    • Charity street collection

    • Pop up stall

    • Organised Licensed Premises Tour

    To see where you can operate, view our online map.


    Ensure you're familiar with specific conditions about the activity to wish to undertake.

    Register now

    Registration for busking, charity street collection or a pop up stall must be completed using the online form here: Activities in Public Places Registration Form.

    There is no cost to register these activities.

    If you're intending to run an activity in a public place for more than one hour in the same location, please do not use the above form. Instead, apply for a permit to hold an event on a public reserve with our Venues team. You can do this by completing this online form: Venue & Event Enquiry Form.

    By registering your activity you confirm that the details provided by you are correct, and that you understand and agree to comply with the conditions of the Queenstown Lakes District Council Activities in Public Places Bylaw 2023.

    Once you complete the Activities in Public Places Registration Form and it is accepted, you will receive an Activities in Public Places Permit. You must have this permit displayed when conducting your stated activity.

    An activity permit will be valid for one year from the date of registration unless revoked by QLDC due to a breach of the Activities in Public Places Bylaw 2023 conditions. 

  • An amusement device is any mechanically powered unit used for rider entertainment.  Traditionally, amusement devices were fairground machinery.  For example: merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels, roller coasters and more.

    However, today there are a number of devices that fall within the “amusement device” definition, including bumper boats, bumper cars, indoor go-kart operations and mini bikes (three and four wheeled all-terrain vehicles).

    Land-borne inflatable devices

    When a device is not classified as an amusement device, it may fall within the category of a ‘Land-borne inflatable device’ (eg bouncy castles and horizontal bungees)

    Operators must comply with the requirements outlined in the attached document:

    Technical bulletin - LBI devices


    All amusement devices must have a Certificate of Registration issued by the Department of Labour, who can be contacted on 0800 209 020.

    The Department of Labour will inspect the mechanical aspects of the machinery to ensure it is safe to use.

    Permit to operate

    Before a registered device is operated, the owner of the amusement device must obtain a permit from the Local Authority to operate the device.

    An application must be made using Form 4 Amusement Device Regulations and forwarded to Queenstown Lakes District Council, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348 or emailed to:

    Local authority's responsibilities

    Before issuing a permit to operate, a local authority must ensure that the site and device are inspected by its engineer or some other competent person and that:

    • The ground on which the device is erected is able to support the device without risk of subsidence.
    • There is sufficient clearance between any part of the device and any fixed or moving objects in the vicinity, to prevent injury to any person when the device is in operation.
    • Where considered necessary for safety of the public protective fences or barriers are erected.
    • Complies with the Local Authority bylaws.


    The fees prescribed by the regulations for the issue of permits are:

    1. For one device, for the first seven days of proposed operation or part thereof, $10:
    2. For each additional device operated by the same owner, for the first seven days or part thereof, $2
    3. For each device, $1 for each further period of seven days or part thereof.

    The above is to be intended as a guide only and must be read in conjunction with the Amusement Device Regulations 1978 and the Machinery Act 1950.

  • Any commercial filming that takes place on Queenstown Lakes District Council land (including roads) will first require an approved film permit from us. You may also require resource consents for bigger and/or long-term productions.

    Find out more via our Film Permits page.

  • Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) is responsible for fire permitting within the Queenstown Lakes District.

    Our district has a high risk of fire. Head to to find out if you’re allowed to light a fire and the steps you can take to reduce the risk.  There’s also lots of information about the use of backyard fires and BBQs.

    There are a number of areas under a total fire ban all year round. This means no open-air fires or fireworks at any time:

    • Queenstown Red Zone

    • Pig Island

    • Albert Town Recreation Reserve and Campground

    • Coronet Forest

    • Mt Iron

    • Pigeon Island

    • Ruby Island

  • Under section 101 of the Gambling Act 2003 and section 96 of the Racing Industry Act 2020, we're required to adopt a policy to regulate the growth and location of Class 4 (non-casino electronic gaming machines or “pokies”) and Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) venue gambling within our district.

    The areas we have authority to control are:

    • To determine whether new class 4 and or TAB venues may be established within the district and if so, to determine any restrictions to be placed on those locations; and

    • If Class 4 venues are permitted in the district, to determine the maximum number of machines that may be in each venue, subject to statutory maxima.

    Class 4 Gambling and TAB Venue Policy 2024 (PDF, 258.16KB)


    To operate a Class 4 gambling machine or gambling venue in the Queenstown Lakes District, you must apply for consent from the Council before the Gambling Commission will issue an operator’s licence and a venue licence.

    Applications for local authority consent from the Council must be made on the approved form and must provide the following information with it:

    • Gambling Harm Minimisation Policy

    • Staff Training Programme

    • Gambling Host Responsibility Policy

    • Locality map showing locations of other gambling venues, childcare facilities, schools, places of worship, and community facilities all within 50 metres of the proposed premises.

    • A scale floor plan of the entire premises including detailing the proposed gaming area with area size and machine setup.

    • Photo of the exterior of the premises, and proposed gaming area.

    • Landowner approval indicating they are aware their building will be used for gambling purposes.

    • A copy of the current alcohol on-licence for the premises.

    • $500 application fee

    Find out more on our Gambling Information page.

  • The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) administers HSNO legislation.  However, there are a number of agencies responsible for enforcing the HSNO Act.

    We're included as an agency, as we've been contracted by the Department of Labour to enforce the provisions of the Act in any work place.

    We also enforce the provisions of the Act for non-work places in the Queenstown Lakes area.

    Your HSNO obligations

    All hazardous substances are subject to the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act.

    This could mean that you have to obtain test certificates to confirm your site is to the required standard and that staff are trained. A Test Certificate is a document that shows a site (including equipment) or a person meets the standards for safe use of a hazardous substance. The certificates are issued by an EPA approved test certifier.

    There are specific requirements to be followed to safely manage hazardous substances’. Responsibility for HSNO rests with the “person in charge”, who can be the owner, lessee, sub-lessee, or the occupier of the premise.

    What is a hazardous substance?

    There is a wide range of hazardous substances from industrial chemicals to everyday household products.

    A hazardous substance will have one or more of the following properties:

    • Explosive
    • Flammable
    • Able to oxidise (accelerate a fire)
    • Poisonous to people
    • Corrosive (to human tissue or metal)
    • Harmful to the environment

    Where do I find information on HSNO and Test Certifiers?

    Further information regarding the HSNO can be found at or by contacting:

    Department of Labour - 0800 209 020
    Queenstown Lakes District Council - 03 441 0499

  • For rules on signage provisions within the District Plan, click here.

  • We offer a range of parking permits in the Queenstown Lakes District. You'll find more information on the permits and application process here.

  • In order to obtain a key for a park or open space, please use the form below.

    Once filled out and signed, please email the form to:

  • A reserve permit is required for any sporting, arts or community activities taking place on QLDC reserves. Construction works and access onto reserves can also be applied for through this permit.

    In order to process a Reserve permit application please provide the following information:

    • A completed permit application form. 

    • A site plan that shows the area of the reserve you intend to use. Council’s GIS Property Info Maps may be of assistance.

    • A Risk Management Plan/Health and Safety Plan.

    • A copy of your Public Liability Insurance certificate.

    • Harbour Master approval – required for any activities on/in the water.

    Fee information can be found on page 19 of the Community Facilities Funding Policy - January 2019.

    All applications are to be lodged to:

  • If you need to occupy council road reserve, you will need to apply for a Licence to Occupy Road Reserve.

    The Licence to Occupy Road Reserve process:

    • Council assesses the proposed occupation and how it will impact on the community and surrounding business, while considering council policies, strategies, and bylaws. 

    • Once a recommendation is made, a council report is presented to the Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) Chief Executive or the Wānaka Community Board (depending on the location of the road reserve in question) for a formal decision to be made. If the LTO is granted, a specific set of conditions will be imposed which need to be adhered to throughout the occupation.

    • Each application incurs a $739.00 initial application fee. This is to cover the initial costs of reviewing the application and doing our due diligence to ensure the proposal is appropriate and there is no adverse effect on council property or the community. The fee is not being charged for a licence or a lease but is to cover administration costs only.

    How to apply for a License to Occupy Road Reserve:

    Download and complete the application form below and make sure the following documents are included with your application:

    • Application Form

    • Location Map showing site of proposal and Council land affected

    • Photographs of the site (where relevant)

    • Plans of the proposal (plans must be to scale)

    • Plans must clearly show measurements concerned with the proposal

    • Cover Letter advising details of application

    • Details of Assignment (Transfer) of Licence to Occupy including application reference (if applicable)

    Applications can be lodged via our online Community Portal or by email


    For more information on obtaining a Licence to Occupy, please email:
