
Tūranga waka

Find out where to park, where not to park, what to do if you get a ticket and info about the permits available.    

Parking maps

Our online map shows all the different bus parking, mobility, taxi stand, loading zone, and Council-managed paid parking areas throughout the Queenstown Lakes District.

You'll also find specific maps for Queenstown and Wānaka which show a range of parking options available for use over the 2024-25 summer break.

Don't forget about free parking options

Parking in all Council-managed spaces in Queenstown is free in the evening after 6.00pm through until 8.00am the next morning, and on all public holidays too!


Carpooling permits are available in Queenstown for drivers who have three of more occupants, all with a carpool permit.

  • Permit holders may park in the Boundary Street Car Park for a maximum of 12 hours in any 24 hour period. Holding a permit does not guarantee a space

  • Permit holders must comply with carpark rules

  • Carpool cars must have three or more occupants with carpool permits

  • Each person using this vehicle to carpool must clearly display their permit on the dashboard (i.e., three carpoolers = three permits)

  • Permits will only be issued to persons of legal driving age who are holders of valid New Zealand driving licences and live outside the Queenstown exclusion zone.

  • Permits are valid for 12 months from the date of issue.

  • Any person found not adhering to the above rules will forfeit their permit and infringement notices may be issued.

Apply for a carpooling permit:

Click here to apply for a carpooling permit

Please note: Carpooling permits include a $20.00 charge if your application is successful. Permits will be assigned to those who apply first and provide the required information.

Please note: There is no carpooling permit scheme in Wānaka currently.

Boundary Street Carpark

Parking permits

There are a number of parking permits available in the Queenstown Lakes District.  Choose the permit you wish to apply for below and follow the application instructions.  

Before you apply: 

We recommend you read the criteria and process information below: 

Parking Permit criteria and process information 

  • The purpose of the SPSV rank permit is to regulate access to Council-controlled ranks.

    If you plan to apply for a permit, please note:

    • If you have previously had an SPSV rank permit you will be required to note this down on the application form, so please have this number available to you

    • To submit the form, you will be required to fill out all necessary fields marked with an *

    • One application form per vehicle will be required

    • All drivers of the vehicle must be listed on the form

    • Permit holders must agree to the Queenstown Lakes District Council Code of Practice

    • Once processed you will receive an approval/rejection email for your permit

    • If approved, please allow up to five (5) working days for processing. Head to our QLDC Gorge Road office for permit collection, to surrender your current permit, and make the full $500.00 (incl GST) payment.

    Permits are valid until 30 June 2025.

    Any questions:

    If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, please get in touch with our customer services team on 03 441 0499 or email 

  • This permit provides free parking in time restricted and pay and display areas for residents aged 75 years old and over. 

    How to apply: 

    Complete the application form below and send it along with a copy of your current drivers licence and proof of address to:

    Or drop in to the Council office at 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown or 47 Ardmore Street, Wānaka.    

    75 + Free Parking Permit Application form

    Please note: 75 + Free Parking permits include a $5.00 charge if your application is successful.

    Any questions: 

    If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, please get in touch with our customer services team on 03 441 0499 or email 

  • Community permits are available to community organisations/groups and volunteers who use paid parking to carry out volunteer work.

    How to apply: 

    Complete the application form below and send it along with the required supporting documentation to:

    Or drop your form to Council offices at 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown or 47 Ardmore Street, Wānaka.    

    Annual Community Parking Permit application form

    Please note: Annual Community Service permits include a $25.00 charge if your application is successful. Permits will be assigned to those who apply first and provide the required information.

    Any questions: 

    If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, please get in touch with our customer services team on 03 441 0499 or email 

  • The purpose of the Temporary Permit is to support the delivery of trade services, events (including annual street appeals) and film in the district.  

    How to apply: 

    Complete the application form below and send it along with the required supporting documentation to:

    Or drop in to the Council office at 10 Gorge Road, Queenstown or 47 Ardmore Street, Wānaka.    

    Temporary Permit application form   

    Any questions: 

    If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, please get in touch with our customer services team on 03 441 0499 or email 

  • Mobility Parking permits are available through your nearest  CCS Branch.

    A section of the form must be completed by a Medical Practitioner and to be eligible the applicant must:

    • Be unable to walk and rely on a wheelchair for mobility, or

    • Rely on mobility devices (e.g. crutches, walking sticks, splints or walking frames), or

    • Be unable to walk 200 metres unassisted because of the nature / severity of their condition.

    For further information on the Mobility Parking Scheme please contact your nearest  on 0800-CCSCALL (0800-227-2255).

    Please note:  Any vehicle parked in a marked disabled parking space without this permit displayed is liable for an instant $750.00 fine.  (This is a nationwide parking rule).


Reasons we issue parking tickets

We issue parking tickets for a range of reasons. Some of the more common reasons include:  

  • failing to pay for your parking.

  • overstaying time limits.

  • unsafe parking.

  • parking a vehicle in public without a current warrant or registration.

Got a fine? Here's what to do

Choose how to pay

There are a number of options for paying a parking fine.   

  • Online - click here.

  • In person -  we accept cash, eftpos or Visa/Mastercard at our Gorge Road (Queenstown) and Ardmore Street (Wānaka) offices. 

  • Direct credit  to account number:  02 0948 000 2000 00 - make sure you use the parking ticket number as the reference.

Appeal the fine

If you feel you have received a ticked unfairly, you may choose to appeal it. Tickets will only be waived with proof of extenuating circumstances, for example a medical emergency or a breakdown.  

If you were ticketed because your car wasn’t registered or warranted, and you now have proof that you are, your ticket will be waived.

Please follow the prompts on our Parking Waiver Request form.

What to know before you appeal a ticket

Please have a read of our parking ticket overview guide or if you want to get into the detail check out the parking legislation below.  

The request form will ask you a range of questions depending on the type of parking ticket you received.  If the request is declined, you will be automatically redirected to an online payment page.  If the request requires more investigation it will be sent to our regulatory team to review.  

You will need to provide proof (medical certificate, breakdown proof from the mechanic, current rego/warrant etc.) so please ensure you have these available to upload.

Parking ticket overview guide

Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004