Access to Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka is CLOSED due to extreme wildfire risk from midday-6.00am starting Sat 15 Feb until Tue 18 Feb (6.00am). Please do not enter. For more info click

Level 1 water restrictions are in effect for residents around Lake Hayes. Keep handheld hosing to a minimum, and only use sprinklers between midnight and 6.00am. Find out more information on restrictions.

Scheduled Event Road Closures

Below you'll find a list of scheduled event road closures that have been approved or publicly notified. To plan your journey around ongoing roadworks in the district, head over to the Waka Kotahi (NZTA) journey planner app.

2024 Coronet Peak Hill Climb

Detailed below are road closures in place for the Coronet Peak Hill Climb on Saturday 30 November 2024.

Road Closure Type Time
Coronet Peak Road (from Skippers Road to ski field carpark) Partial 8.00am - 6.00pm

2024 Queenstown Marathon

Detailed below are road closures in place for the Queenstown Marathon on Saturday 16 November 2024.

2024 New Years Eve Celebrations

Detailed below are road closures in place for Queenstown's New Years Eve Celebrations.

Tuesday 29 December

Road Closure Type Time

Rees Street (from Shotover Street to Marine Parade)

Partial 7.00pm-12.00am

Marine Parade (from Rees Street to Church Street)

Partial 7.00pm-12.00am

Beach Street (from Camp Street to Shotover Street, including Cow Lane)



Wednesday 30 December

Road Closure Type Time

Rees Street (from Shotover Street to Marine Parade)

Partial 7.00pm-12.00am

Marine Parade (from Rees Street to Church Street)

Partial 7.00pm-12.00am

Beach Street (from Camp Street to Shotover Street, including Cow Lane)

Partial 7.00pm-12.00am

Thursday 31 December

Road Closure Type Time

Rees Street (from Shotover Street to Marine Parade)

Partial 3.00pm-3.00am

Marine Parade (from Rees Street to Church Street)

Partial 3.00pm-3.00am

Beach Street (from Camp Street to Shotover Street, including Cow Lane)

Partial 3.00pm-3.00am

Detailed below are road closures in place for Wānaka's New Years Eve Celebrations.

Tuesday 29 December

Road Closure Type Time

Ardmore Street Log Cabin Layby (excl. buses)

Partial 6.00pm-12.00am

Wednesday 30 December

Road Closure Type Time

Ardmore Street Log Cabin Layby (excl. buses)

Partial 6.00pm-12.00am

Thursday 31 December

Road Closure Type Time

Ardmore Street Log Cabin Layby

Partial 8.00am-3.00am

Ardmore Street (from Dungarvon Street to Lakeside Road)

Partial 5.00pm-3.00am

Helwick Street (from Ardmore Street to Dungarvon Street)

Partial 5.00pm-3.00am


Any questions?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these scheduled road closures, please don’t hesitate to reach out via: