Library notice: Bullock Creek Lane closed for asphalting on Saturday 25 January and Saturday 1 February. Wānaka Library open to pedestrians. Limited parking available at the Lake Wānaka Centre.

Fast-track Approvals Bill

The Fast-track Approvals Bill is a proposal by central government to establish a permanent fast track approvals regime for a range of infrastructure, housing, and development projects.

About the Fast-track Approvals Bill

The bill proposed by central government seeks to establish a permanent fast-track approvals regime for projects of national and regional significance. This regime involves several Central Government Ministers who will determine projects that will be referred to an expert panel. The panel will then consider and make decisions on approvals sought.

The proposed system aims to be a ‘one-stop-shop’ for resource consents, notices of requirement, and certificates of compliance under the Resource Management Act (1991) and approvals required under a range of other Acts.

People or organisations are already able to apply for their projects to be considered, with each one then assessed and those appropriate selected for inclusion under the proposed bill.

Under the current draft legislation, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) will use independent commissioners to undertake assessments and provide recommendations to the Minister independently of local authorities.


The Fast-track Approvals Bill had a second reading in Parliament on Wednesday 13 November 2024. As such, it is not enacted into law.

The House (Parliament) is now considering the bill in detail, questioning the MP in charge, and may make changes before it goes to a third reading at a date to be confirmed.

You can follow progress of the Fast-track Approvals Bill through Parliament here.

Council's role

Whilst the Bill has yet to come into law, the initial draft appears clear that Council will have no decision-making role in the fast track approval process and any future role remains unknown. Based on the previous COVID fast track legislation, Council may have a role in the process in terms of responding to specific queries from the decision making body – Government’s appointed Expert Panel. Council’s role will be confirmed when the final Bill is enacted.

Speaking at public forum

Requests to speak at public forum on the Fast-track Approvals Bill are presently being declined, on the basis that this is a central government process and sits outside of the terms of reference for Council.

While we have previously heard speakers on the topic and continue to receive requests on this matter, the discretion to hear speakers is that of the Chair. As of December 2024, the Chair has reconfirmed their position to decline speakers on this topic.

Where to find out more

Click here for more on central government’s Fast-track Approvals Bill.