

Work covered under resource consent is monitored to ensure compliance with the application and any conditions imposed on the consent. Monitoring incurs a cost and is a requirement of the Resource Managment Act. 


  • Once QLDC has granted a resource consent, we will carry out a site inspection to make sure the development or activity has been, or is being undertaken in accordance with the approved resource consent decision and conditions. 

    During the visit we determine if you have met the conditions attached to the resource consent. 

    Most consents need no more than two visits and, in many cases, only one inspection is necessary when all conditions of consent have been complied with. For some activities, monitoring will be ongoing. 

    In some cases, a site inspection is not required until works have been completed. In other cases, such as earthworks, we need to inspect the site during the works. 

  • A Code Compliance Certificate is written confirmation of compliance with a building consent under the Building Act. 


    Resource consent monitoring is independent of any building consent inspections as building and resource consents are not approving and inspecting the same thing. 

  • You do not need to be home. Site inspections do not require entry into dwellings. Only access onto the property is required. However, if you would prefer to be on site, please let us know. 

  • Resource consents are invariably ‘attached’ to the land over which the activity is approved. 

    When you buy a piece of land you automatically become the “consent holder”. This means you are responsible for complying with the consent and its conditions and you are responsible for any costs, including monitoring charges. 

  • A consent holder generally has five years to implement a resource consent. If the consent holder does not inform QLDC when works have started, then the start date is estimated. 

    Monitoring is still necessary for any work or activity that has not been checked and found to be carried out in accordance with the consent granted regardless of when the work or activity was completed. 

  • To upload Resource Consent documents, please visit our Community Portal.


Contact us

If you have any queries relating to resource consent monitoring, please email: