A full closure to Crown Range Road will be in place between State Highway 6 and the top of the zig zags from Monday 25 to Friday 29 November, between 8.00am and 4.00pm. Full details available on our website and Facebook page.

Please note that some of our online services will be unavailable on Friday 22 November from 7.00pm for approximately 3-4 hours due to planned system maintenance. Payments can still be made by internet banking (via your bank) while our online payment services are offline. If a service is unavailable, please retry after 11.00pm.

Volunteer / Community Agreement Registration

Te rēhitatanga whakaaetanga ā-tūao, ā-hapori

If you're a volunteer group with an existing structure in place and looking to create or assist with a community project, please use the below form to register for our Volunteer/Community Agreement. 

Register your Volunteer/Community Agreement

Contact Details
Health and safety
If your project requires any of these options you will be required to fill out the full Volunteer Induction Pack for review by QLDC's Health and Safety Manager.
Any contracted work on QLDC land must be approved by QLDC and you must engage a SiteWise certified contractor.
Intent and vision
Define your group/organisation's vision for the intended activity and/or project and how it will benefit the community.
For example: build and maintain x kilometres of mountain bike trail, or set and monitor x amount of predator traps along this trail. Please provide as much detail as possible.
Agreed improvement(s)
For example: chairs, picnic tables, or playground equipment.
Include as much detail as possible. If there are multiple sites, please provide detail for each site individually. *Tip: it is always good to have a couple of options, so we can best help you meet your vision.