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Friday, 14 March 2025
Reserve closure planned for Mount Iron
QLDC will close Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka from Sunday 16 March to Monday 17 March due to extreme risk of wildfire.

Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) will close Mount Iron Reserve in Wānaka from Sunday 16 March to Monday 17 March between midday (12.00pm) and 6.00am due to extreme risk of wildfire. Residents and visitors are asked to avoid the reserve between these times.
The planned closure follows fire indices reaching levels which trigger a closure, as outlined in QLDC’s Wildfire Reserve Closure Plan and brought on by an extended spell of hot and dry weather and high temperatures forecast for the coming days.
QLDC General Manager Community Services Ken Bailey said although we are transitioning into autumn, today’s fire indices mean closing Mount Iron Reserve is the most appropriate step to ensure public safety and reduce the potential for a fire to happen, given the extreme risk of wildfire forecasted.
“I’d like to thank everyone for their cooperation by not entering Mount Iron Reserve during the part day closures in mid-February. We know that a wildfire in one of our reserves could have a devastating effect on our people, environment and economy. Closing access to the area while the danger is at such elevated levels is the safest option,” said Mr Bailey.
QLDC Parks Manager Dave Winterburn confirmed the weather is forecast to be more extreme in the afternoons as temperatures rise throughout the day.
“We’d advise those who’d like to continue to access Mount Iron Reserve to do so in the mornings when the weather is cooler and risk is lower,” said Mr Winterburn.
“We’ll closely monitor the indices and either extend the half-day closures or reopen the reserve on Tuesday at 6.00am or as soon as it is considered safe to do so. As we move into autumn the fire risk reduces but it’s important to note that future closures may be needed if fire indices show an extreme risk of wildfires,” he said.
Otago Community Risk Manager James Knapp says Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) is providing expertise and guidance to QLDC in determining how wildfire risk on Mount Iron Reserve should be managed.
“QLDC has indicated a genuine desire to plan effectively, work collaboratively, and keep people safe,” said Mr Knapp.
“We welcome this. At FENZ, we see our role as helping to shape their efforts to manage the wildfire risks, and to support them in every way we can,” he said.
QLDC will place signage at entrance points to the reserve when it is closed and these signs will be removed when the area reopens. Entering the reserve when signage is present is at the public’s own risk.
During the reserve closure, access to Mount Iron Reserve is limited to the easily accessible trails around the base of the reserve. A map showing these trails can be found on www.qldc.govt.nz/managing-wildfire-risk.
“I’d like to thank the community in advance for their co-operation and support in sharing this message with friends and whanau,” said Mr Winterburn.
QLDC will publicly notify the reopening of the reserve on its Facebook page, website homepage and directly to those signed up to community text alerts.
Residents and visitors are encouraged to sign up for alerts if they haven’t already by heading to www.qldc.govt.nz/text-alerts and selecting either Queenstown or Wānaka for reserve closures.
More information and FAQs about the reserve closure process can be found at www.qldc.govt.nz/managing-wildfire-risk.
Meanwhile, the remainder of the district is subject to a total fire ban implemented by FENZ. This includes the use of fireworks. To check the latest fire season status, go to www.checkitsalright.nz.
If you see smoke or fire please call 111 immediately.
Media contact: communications@qldc.govt.nz or call 03 441 1802.
Fire season status: https://checkitsalright.nz/
Reserve closure process, the QLDC reserve closure plan and more information about managing wildfire risk can be found at: www.qldc.govt.nz/managing-wildfire-risk
Background on closure times:
Mount Iron Reserve will close between 12.00pm and 6.00am due to increased wildfire risk. This is because during the day the sun heats the ground and the air, causing temperatures to rise as humidity drops. Wind speeds usually increase in intensity in the afternoon too, meaning from 12.00pm onwards when conditions are likely to be hotter and drier, a wildfire can spread very quickly and is harder to control.
Map of reserve area to be closed when fire indices reach unsafe levels: