Rates & Property
- Setting the Rates
- Revaluation and how it affects rates
- Rates Dates & Payment Options
- Changing your details
- Property Information Search
- Online Rates Payments
- Rates Rebates, Remission & Postponement
- Short-Term Visitor Accommodation
- Queenstown CBD Transport Rate for Queenstown Town Centre Properties
- Wastewater Rates for Cardrona
- Other Information
- Rates FAQs
Rubbish & Recycling
- How we recycle in the Queenstown Lakes District
- Cut your waste
- Commercial Services
- Rubbish & Recycling Collection
- Recycling Centres
- Transfer Stations
- Solid Waste Assessment
- Waste Minimisation Community Fund
- Waste Minimisation for Businesses
- Zero Waste Events
- Green and food waste
- Construction and demolition waste
Resource Consents
- Do I need a resource consent?
- Change, extend or surrender a resource consent
- Apply for a resource consent
- Non-compliance & monitoring
- Submitting on a notified resource consent
- Land Developments and Subdivisions
- Need help?
- Current resource consents
- eDocs
- FAQs
- Practice notes and guidance
Alcohol Licensing
- Alcohol Public Notices
- Find the right alcohol licence and apply
- Alcohol licence fee calculator
- Renew and/or vary your alcohol licence
- Manager's certificates
- Legal requirements for licence holders
- District Licensing Committee decisions
- ARLA annual report
- Alcohol-Free Areas In Public Places
- Have your say on alcohol licence applications
- All alcohol licensing forms
- Gambling Information
Do It Online
Do It Online
- Register your Dog
- Register for a transfer or refund of dog registration fee
- Renewal for Hairdressers, Campgrounds, and Offensive Trade Registrations
- Activities in a Public Place - Application Form
- Register as a Homestay
- Register as Residential Visitor Accommodation
- Register for our public notification list
- Register to speak at Public Forum
- Register for Kerbside Collection Services
- No Spray Register
Ngā Hapori
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- Tuia Programme
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- Winterdaze
Community Text Alerts
Join our community text alert database and hear first hand about any issues affecting your community.
Kā mahi a te rēhia
- Queenstown Events Centre
- Wānaka Recreation Centre
- Paetara Aspiring Central
- Swim
- Learn to Swim
- Golf
- Kids' Recreation
- Sport & Rec Venues and Contacts
- Courts and Fields
- Memberships - Join Today
- Join the Sport & Rec Team
- Responsible Camping in the Queenstown Lakes District
- Parks and Walkways
- Lakes and Boating
- Mountain Biking
- Horse Riding
- Splash Café
- Wallis Physiotherapy
- Alpine Physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy
- Playgrounds
- School Holiday Programmes
- Mascot Search
- Provision of health services at Queenstown Events Centre
Pull Up Pro
Imrove your pull ups!
Your Council
Your Council
Te Kaunihera ā-rohe
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- Fast-track Approvals Act
Council Livestreams
We are now livestreaming Council meetings on our YouTube channel!
Your Council
Council Documents
- Long Term Plan (LTP)
- Archived Agendas & Minutes
- Annual Plans
- Annual Reports
- Asset Management Plans
- Awarded Council Contracts
- Bylaws
- Capex Quarterly Update
- Monthly Reports
- National Policy Statement - Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD)
- Policies
- Pre-election reports
- Queenstown Lakes Spatial Plan
- Reserve Management Plans
- Section 10A Reports
- Small Community Plans
- Strategies and Publications
- Submissions from QLDC
District Plan
- Operative District Plan
- Proposed District Plan
- ePlans
- National Policy Statement-Urban Development (District Plan Amendments)
- Urban Intensification Variation
- Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Variation
- Private Plan Change Application - The Hills Resort Zone
- Upper Clutha Landscape Schedules Variation
- Special Zones Review
- District Plan maps
- A Guide to Plan Changes
- Planning Matters - Planning & Development Newsletter
How to make a submission
Ka pēhea te tāpae
Find out more about how to make a submission on a notified resource consent.
A submission is your chance to have your say on a resource consent application.
Once a decision has been made on an application, only people who have made submissions are allowed to appeal to the Environment Court.
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Who can make a submission depends on what type of resource consent it is. There are two types of notified resource consents:
Publicly notified resource consents: Anyone can make a submission.
Limited notification consent: You can only make a submission if you've been identified as an affected party. If you've been identified as an affected party, you will receive a letter from us advising you of this. If you don't receive a letter, you cannot make a formal submission.
You can make a submission on all or part of a resource consent application. It can be in favour, in opposition, neutral or a combination.
You have 20 working days from the date of notification to submit it to the Council. You must also send a copy of the submission to the applicant.
Your submission needs to include:
aspects of the application you oppose, support or are neutral towards, and the reasons why
the applicant's details – you'll find this on the public notice
if you wish to speak in support of your submission at a hearing
The following form can be used to make a submission:
Form 13 – Submission on a notified resource consent
Submissions can be posted or dropped into Council offices, or emailed to:rcsubmission@qldc.govt.nz
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